behind the scene
with Therese Leick1st Prize
Some locations are so highly renowned that their surroundings consequently lose their relevance, even though they carry an important history of their own. Being overshadowed by the main attraction, these neighbouring areas are mainly used as transitional spaces. As people move between these places, the spaces begin blurring in the background and get less and less noticed until they become non-places.
The modest intervention of angled mirrors restricts the view of the monument and renews the spectators point of interest. By redirecting the visitors’ perception towards the forgotten places around the monument, people are led to rethink their acknowledgement of the spaces “behind” the scene.
The modest intervention of angled mirrors restricts the view of the monument and renews the spectators point of interest. By redirecting the visitors’ perception towards the forgotten places around the monument, people are led to rethink their acknowledgement of the spaces “behind” the scene.
Filed under:
Concept, Architecture
Concept, Architecture